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摘要 : In Voltage Source Converter-based High Voltage DC transmission (VSC-HVDC), the unbalance of AC grid is caused by the power quality deterioration, such as AC grid current disturbance and DC voltage periodic ripple. Firstly, the for... 展开

摘要 : In Voltage Source Converter-based High Voltage DC transmission (VSC-HVDC), the unbalance of AC grid is caused by the power quality deterioration, such as AC grid current disturbance and DC voltage periodic ripple. Firstly, the for... 展开

摘要 : In Voltage Source Converter-based High Voltage DC transmission (VSC-HVDC), the unbalance of AC grid is caused by the power quality deterioration, such as AC grid current disturbance and DC voltage periodic ripple. Firstly, the for... 展开
